Norfolk Holiday Cottages

FAQs for Homeowners

Q. Is it free to list my holiday home on the Stays Bookings website?

A. We are a holiday home rental company that displays holiday properties at no cost but we do organise & manage enquiries, bookings and all guest and owner payments ~ all administered at a very low percentage rate of commission. There are no other costs or owner stay restrictions and if we are able to travel to your holiday property.

Please enquire if you would like to know more?

Q. What quality & types of properties do you display on your website?

A. We welcome all types of holiday properties, generally between 3* - 5*. We especially love the unusual & quirky bolt holes that offer our guests the chance to book and stay in exciting & unique holiday rentals.

Q. I have a holiday home in a destination that you don't feature on your website?

A. If we do not already display your global location on our site and we love your holiday property, then we will happily create a destination square to showcase your rental home.

Q. Do you have any homeowner restrictions?

A. No, our owners can book their own holiday home at any time during the year for themselves, for friends & family and also make their own bookings. All we ask is that the unavailable dates are passed on to us immediately to block our calendars.

Q. How accurate are your holiday home calendars?

A. Our calendars are in real-time & 100% accurate. When a booking is taken, the property calendar is automatically blocked when payment is received through our secure payment platforms.

Q. How do you take payment for a holiday home booking?

A. A guest can directly administer their booking online by completing our online booking form followed by their payment details, through our secure payment platform provided by Stripe. Alternatively, the guest can call our dedicated destination booking staff who will take their booking over the phone.

Q. Are there any penalties if an owner wants to end their contract & remove their property from the website?

A. No, we ask the owner to sign our ongoing yearly contract but if there is a particular reason that you the owner would want their holiday home to be removed from our website, and then the owner may do so without any penalties.

Q. Do you offer guest discounts without the homeowner's permission?

A. No, the owner's contract states their agreed discount commission which can be offered by the booking team to the guest without owner permission. No discount over and above the agreed limit is offered to the guest without first seeking approval from the owner.

Q. Are you new to renting your holiday home?

A. If so, we will happily advise on all aspects of renting your holiday home, from the necessary owner regulations such as holiday home insurance, public liability, fire risk assessment, gas certification & PAT tests to tariffs!

Q. How does help potential guests?

A. Our knowledgeable booking team is very familiar with each of the holiday homes and their respective locations. We spend time with our potential guests learning about the type of property & holiday experience they are looking for.

Q. What information does our holiday guest receive?

A. As soon as a booking is made online, the guest receives their completed booking form & payment receipt is generated automatically by our website, within seconds of completing the form and making their payment. Following the guest's full balance payment, six to eight weeks before arrival; our booking management system then sends detailed arrival information by email with directions and entry instructions.

Q. Do you provide an online management system to view bookings & financial information?

A. Yes, every owner has their own password-accessible booking management platform to view all their bookings & associated financial information online whenever they like. You can also make owner bookings online 24 hours a day.

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+44 (0)1392 690 079 / [email protected]

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